Dark Theater

Director & Choreographer
John Heginbotham

Erik Satie

Lighting Design
Nicole Pearce

Costume Design
Maile Okamura

6 dancers and 1 pianist

Run Time
60 minutes

Photos: Christopher Duggan, Courtesy Brooklyn Academy of Music

The opening movements of “Dark Theater,” the choreographer John Heginbotham’s new work to music by Erik Satie, show straightaway a true theater artist’s instinct for commanding his audience.” - The New York Times

Premiere: October 29, 2013
Fishman Space, Fisher Building
BAM 2013 Next Wave Festival
Brooklyn, NY

Dark Theater was created thanks to the support of 101 individuals who contributed to our Kickstarter campaign supporting the creation of Dark Theater.  We absolutely could not have done this without our Dance Heginbotham family, and would like to thank each and every backer.  Special thanks to Alison Bryant, Mary Cronson, Caroline Cronson, Timothy Jones, Maira Kalman, Isaac Mizrahi, Mel and Amy Okamura, Jim Slaughter and Cath Maciver, Ricky Lopes, Ellen Offner, and Megan Williams.